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Event Series Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Have you grown up Catholic but feel like you hardly know anything? Do you have a friend who wants to know more about the Catholic faith but isn't necessarily interested […]

Event Series 1st Saturday

1st Saturday

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

The First Saturday Devotion joins us in prayer for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It includes the following elements, completed with the intention of the reparation for blasphemies […]

Event Series 1st Sun. Donuts

1st Sun. Donuts

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Every 1st Sunday of the month join the CTK community for fellowship and sugary goodness immediately following the 10am Mass!

Event Series Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Have you grown up Catholic but feel like you hardly know anything? Do you have a friend who wants to know more about the Catholic faith but isn't necessarily interested […]

Event Series Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Have you grown up Catholic but feel like you hardly know anything? Do you have a friend who wants to know more about the Catholic faith but isn't necessarily interested […]

Father’s House Retreat

Stillwater Retreat Center 13407 Junius Rd, Abbeville, LA, United States

The FOCUS team will be hosting the Father's House retreat April 14th - 16th at Camp Stillwater in Abbeville! This retreat is focused on entering into God's Fatherhood in a new […]

Confirmation Mass

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

This Mass is during which, the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place for all eligible candidates upon their completion of the formation classes/preparations.

Event Series Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Have you grown up Catholic but feel like you hardly know anything? Do you have a friend who wants to know more about the Catholic faith but isn't necessarily interested […]

Event Series Leadership Night

Leadership Night

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

A night of formation at 7pm in the Activity Center for all registered and active CTK Student Leaders to grow in community with other leaders and deepen their relationship/formation with […]

Car Wash

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Some students are hosting a car wash fundraiser at CTK on Saturday, April 22nd from 10am to 1:30pm! Come get your car washed while supporting our ministry!

Event Series Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Have you grown up Catholic but feel like you hardly know anything? Do you have a friend who wants to know more about the Catholic faith but isn't necessarily interested […]

Honest Album Release

CTK CTK, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

The Vigil Project presents a live performance of The Dwell's upcoming album, Honest. Hear the brand new album live, experience the stories behind the music, and celebrate this long-awaited release […]

Sunday Mass Times:

10am | 12pm (Español) | 6pm | 8pm

Mon & Tue: 6pm
Wed & Thu: 11:45am

Confession Times:

Mon & Tue: 4:30pm
Wed & Thu: 11am
Sat: 2:30pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Mon – Thu: 9am – 10pm
*During Fall & Spring Semester

See full Sacrament schedule