Location & Parking on LSU’s Campus
Christ the King’s main church building is located on the corner of Dalrymple Drive facing Highland Road across from the LSU Visitor’s Center. Behind the main church building is the smaller Administrative building and CTK Office.
The gated lot behind Christ the King is available during office hours for Christ the King staff and appointments only. Students should refer to the LSU Parking & Transportation Office for their parking options on campus. Visitors may park off campus near Chimes Street or in LSU’s metered parking zones at the Welcome Center or Union Square Garage. LSU Greek, Law, and X lots near CTK are open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays and after 4:30pm on weekdays. For more information about LSU Visitor parking, click here and for LSU Parking and Transportation rules and regulations, click here.

Layout of Christ the King Center & Buildings

From I-10 West
- Dalrymple Drive (Exit 156B)
- Turn right onto Dalrymple Drive
- Christ the King is located at the corner of Dalrymple Drive and Highland Road (1 mile from the exit)
From I-10 East
- South Acadian Thruway (Exit 157B)
- Turn Left onto S Acadian Thruway (turns into Stanford Drive)
- Right lane merges into West Lakeshore Drive and left lane turns into LSU Avenue. Either lane will eventually intersect with Highland Road
- Turn right onto Highland Road
- Christ the King is located at the corner of Dalrymple Drive and Highland Road (2.5-3 miles from the exit)
From Tiger Stadium
- Taking N Stadium Drive away from Nicholson will approach a traffic circle. Turn Left and the road will turn into Dalrymple Drive
- Taking S Stadium Drive away from Nicholson Drive will intersect with Highland Road. Turn Left onto Highland Road.
- Christ the King is located at the corner of Dalrymple Drive and Highland Road (1 mile from Tiger Stadium)