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LA Life March

Jan 21, 2023
@ 900 North Third Street

Join Christ the King at the LA Life March on Saturday, January 21st, at 10am! Wear a CTK shirt if you have one and meet at the Capitol building. The theme for the march is “Everyone deserves a birthday,” so feel free to wear a birthday hat or accessory!

Join the GroupMe to find others who are attending!

Sunday Mass Times:

10am | 12pm (Español) | 6pm | 8pm

Mon & Tue: 6pm
Wed & Thu: 11:45am

Confession Times:

Mon & Tue: 4:30pm
Wed & Thu: 11am
Sat: 2:30pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Mon – Thu: 9am – 10pm
*During Fall & Spring Semester

See full Sacrament schedule